Producatorii unor celebre seriale doneaza recuzita catre spitale

Duminica, 22 Martie 2020, ora 08:37
4395 citiri
Producatorii unor celebre seriale doneaza recuzita catre spitale
Foto: Facebook/Grey\'s Anatomy

Producatorii serialelor "Grey's Anatomy", "Station 19", "The Good Doctor" si "The Resident" au decis sa doneze spitatelelor recuzita pentru filmari.

Astfel, acestia vor trimite catre spitale echipamente care includ masti, halate si manusi de protectie, noteaza Daily Mail.

Producatorul executiv al "Grey's Anatomy", Krista Vernoff, a spus ca au stocuri de halate si manusi de protectie si ca le pun la dispozitia medicilor.

Producatorii "Station 19" au donat in jur de 300 de masti de protectie Departamentului de Pompieri Ontario din Canada, dupa ce au aflat ca acestia au fost nevoiti sa refoloseasca mastile pe care le aveau.

"Pentru Station 19 mai aveam 300 de bucati de masti N95 pe care le-am donat departamentului local", a spus producatorul.

Si producatorii "The Good Doctor" au trimis catre spitale sute de masti, halate medicale si costume speciale.

Karen Law, un reumatolog din Atlanta, a postat pe Instagram o imagine cu articole medicale trimise Spitalului Memorial Grady de catre producatorii "The Resident", arata Today.

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"Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." . To the entire team @theresidentonfox, thank you for this incredibly generous donation of #PPE from your set, including gowns, masks, gloves, and all the things our healthcare workers need to provide safe care for our community during #COVID19. . Yesterday, I had a serious discussion with the residents about how, though supplies are low, a magical shipment of masks is unlikely to arrive. And yet, a magical shipment of masks DID arrive, in the form of this very generous gesture. This kind of community support means so much to our #frontlineproviders who are making many sacrifices to staff our hospitals and care for our community. . Thank you, @theresidentonfox and @foxtv for being helpers. We needed this kind of good news today. . PS: Sorry it's not a great pic, but the focus was not on the photo at the time. Similarly, the team @theresidentonfox are good citizens doing good deeds and not looking for a shout out. Though I encourage all to support The Resident and the great team behind the show and to pay their good deed forward any way you can. . #Hurstlife #residentlife #emoryIMresidents #lookforthehelpers #gratitude

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#producatori seriale donatii recuzita, #producatori seriale donatii masti , #coronavirus